Freedom At Last


How can you use your unique talents and abilities to create ripple effects in other people’s lives? How you can help others identify who they are born to be and how they can impact people, the community, and the environment?

If you are planning to start your own business—if you are an employee, a student, or an entrepreneur—my hope is that you will be able to articulate your why, your core reason for doing what you do.

Your success is someone else’s miracle.


The Bigger Why — FINDING MY WHY

I never dreamed of being a nurse. As a little boy, I always wanted to be an engineer, so I prepared. I pictured myself as an engineer. In my high school courses, I focused on physics and mathematics—classes to help me be an engineer. Then, something terrible happened. Civil war broke out in my home country, Liberia (West Africa). At that point, my dream to be an engineer fell into shambles. Instead of learning to become an engineer or going to college, I was forced to learn how to survive.



Many people today like to achieve their goals and want to be somebody great in the future. Unfortunately, most of us use our background or situation as an excuse for not being able to succeed. The excuse that most people make is inherent in what I call self-limiting beliefs.

Ask yourself these questions: